Sunday, January 4, 2015

Peeking out from behind the dustbin...

...anyone there? 

After a near eight-month unexplained hiatus, I don't expect anyone to be. 

Still lots going on in sweet little Los Anchorage. Recently, I went to Seattle for a week and experienced some of the best (and worst) vegan food (or excuses for) I've ever had. Other than my little foray into travel (otherwise known as my first vacation in six years), it's been school full-time, work full-time, impending clinical practicum, and somewhere in all of that the housework must still get done. In the niches between all of THAT, there is still somehow room for ridiculousness and dealings with humanity. 

Of late, there hasn't been a whole lot to "review" in Anchorage's lineup. Just more of the same; good staples, but not too many veg-friendly specials or new things. Forget dessert. So, I have decided where there is a void in things that others make for consumption, I must rise to the occasion. 

As time permits, I'd like to introduce the next few months as my "Vegan in Omnivore's Clothing" series. Now, I know that there are a LOT of vegans who have adapted to a whole foods, low-fat, plant-based diet like mine, and like me, usually don't care for "meat-like" things. But bear with me. After all, we all have to start somewhere, and for that steak-and-bacon-loving, self-proclaimed direct descendant of the hominids of the Paleolithic Period, the things that Beyond Meat (TM) and Gardein (TM) produce may just be the answer to our prayers. Let's not forget enterprising vegans that just have to have comfort food and, finding it lacking in existence, endeavor to create it themselves. I salute you. 

So, for NEXT week's borderline carnist (except not) lineup - which I will attempt to post in a timely fashion, here we are. The descriptions are deliberately left open-ended, so that I have some wiggle room:

 - "Blackphisch" tacos with fruit salsa and black bean refritos.
 - Shooter's Sandwich (I recommend Googling this one) with a side of grilled brussel sprouts, caramelized onions, and homegrown baby blues.
 - B.L.A.T. ("Bacon" Lettuce Avo Tomato) with lime-cilantro-garlic yam fries. 

Credit for any recipes used will be given and linked. Photos will be posted. Any recipes of my own will be posted, with the proviso that the individual using them give me due credit (of course).

Looks like a good start; I'll see you next week. 

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